Data Protection Commitment privacy practices mentioned below describe in detail how you can surf safely here and that your identity and details are safe. Below are guidelines approved and accepted by the website owner and moderator to provide data to the users with safety and security. Moreover, AirlinesOfficeDetails is the choice of many and is accessed by millions people around the world. hence, we want to make clear that privacy policies are subject to change. You will see here what changes are made to protect user data.

About User Data Privacy understands and respects your privacy and is committed to protecting user personal data and privacy during browsing. Here, I want to clarify that no personal information is required, asked, or needed to access and use this website. Users can access this website without registration; signup is also optional to sign in; hence, this website does require your personal details to use this website. Here, users can access all data, and there is no mode of payment embedded in the website, so users do not need to make payments. No personal identification will be done here unless and until you want to become part of the website or wish to apply for authorship. Check out Our Full Terms and Conditions here .

Our No Adverting Free Surfing Policy

AirlinesOfficeDetails has website links that take you out from the website and you will see information on other web resources. Hence, we want to make clear to all visitors that this privacy policy applies only to If you visit another website after clicking here, our privacy policy won’t apply, and you have to check the privacy policy of the website on which you land after clicking here. AirlinesOfficeDetails is not engaged or participating in any incentive or affiliate program like Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, so you can surf freely ,

Here, we are not using any advertising or third-party ads rendering app or any script. If we use it in the future, then you should be aware of the following. Find out how we runs and manage this web assets , learn more Who We Are ?

What Types Of Advertising Used By Many Websites ?

Dynamic Advertising Reporting & Targeting (DART): Use cookies to serve ads according to your preference and interest. DoubleClick is the Google property that saves a text file whenever you browse a website and will serve Ads using AdSense or another advertising program. The cookies store specific information like interest and geo location and serve ads according to your interests and country. If you live in London and are interested in football, then you might view ads about football accessories, football games, or even football news.

Your history is basically stored Cookies, and whenever you browse any other website, these cookies will show ads according to your previous preference. For example, if you love sports shoes, then you will see ads for Shoes everywhere, whether it’s on a news site, any blog site, or even if you are watching a video on YouTube.

Do you know DART? If not, you must know that “non-personally identifiable information” stored during this policy, like your name, contact number, credit/debit/ATM number, Social Security number, bank account, or any other financial credential, won’t be tracked or stored in any case.

Our Commenting And Review Policy

Our cookies program may save some data while you are making comments on the website or writing a review.

Name (Visible Publicly)

Email (Not Visible publicly)

Comment And Review (Visible Publicly)

Also, after making any comment, our system will store your name and Email, so there is no need to fill out these details further. Also, with this Cookie, you are able to edit or modify your old reviews and comments.

No Distribution Policy

We have a stringent policy about user data; your comment data will never be shared with anybody at any cost. However, we will inform you via Email about newsletters and other notifications like privacy policy updates. You’re critical to the US. After reviewing any airline or aviation company for their services and policies, or even if you post some complaints here, we never share any details with any company. On the other hand, we solve your issue by reaching out to the person concerned about the poor service and the unhappiness of the customer.

What Information Our Cookie Save

Our Cookie might store your Operating system, types of internet speed (2G, 4G, 5G, or LAN), type of user agent or browser, Your ISP provider, and IP address. Both desktop websites and mobile websites have scripts to pull up details of the Operating System, IP, ISP Provider, Device details, Browser, and other details. But here, we want to assure you that no personal information like name, Email, or payment details are included in our Cookie. Cookies are used to identify the bot, website hacking script, and spammers, and these cookies’ data are used to block the user so the rest of the world won’t suffer. Our automatic system is powerful enough to handle mass or brute attacks on websites and use bandwidth and system resources.

What Is Cookie

As a user, you have the right to know what is Cookie and how it works. A cookie is basically a tiny TXT file that will be stored automatically in your hard drive and keep some data-based records to make your surfing better. These types of cookies store only “nonpersonal information ” for analysis purposes, and there is no specific information about Who You Are and What You Name blah blah blah. If you like cookies, you can Cookie these cookies from your system anytime.

No Login Required To Access Website

There is no Login option on AirlinesOfficeDetails via Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, OpenID, or any other third-party application; hence, your identity is 100% Secure.

Web Analytics

We are using the following script and program to monitor your web surfing.

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager

Statcounter Program

Cpanel Log Records

If you have any issues, feel free to contact US Now.


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